Saturday, May 2, 2009

Weeping Cherry Tree Blooms in Jim's Garden

Friends from where I work gave me this beautiful weeping cherry for Jim's garden last year. The tree bloomed last week, isn't it just lovely!

Joanne (Jim's MOM)

A Day of Remembrance - April 11, 2009

Many of Jim's friends either contacted me or dropped by on the anniversary of Jim's death, April 11, to let me know how much they love Jim and miss him. We had a beautiful weather day - just as Jim would have liked. Jim's girlfriend, Angie, came from Las Vegas and spent a long weekend with me. It was wonderful to have Angie here. Jim's first girlfriend from high school days, Lisa, stopped by with her mom as well. The high school buddies - Zach, Will, Chris, Tony, and Tim were place else they would rather be then with Julie and me..... Pictures were pulled out and stories were told. We lovingly placed the multitude of beautiful garden stepping stones in Jim's memorial garden. Thank you all who participated in this ceremony of remembrance. I so appreciate and love each person who stopped by, called or sent me a message on April 11.

A message from one of Jim's friends in Las Vegas

It's been a year and there hasn't been a day that passes by that Jim hasn't been in my thoughts. I hope everyday that you and your family find justice for Jim. I still remember the last conversation I had with Jim. Again it was like 3am, he was excited to tell me that he was planning on coming back to Vegas and wanted to get together. I told him sure we'll do lunch or something, I had to cut the conversation short, told him the baby had been keeping me up and I was tired. Little did I know this was the last time we'd talk. I miss him so much. I know this was a difficult month for you and your family I hope things are getting better. I have two little ones myself and could not imagine if I lost one of them. I check the website regularly hoping to see that there has been a development in the case. I read all the comments and have found comfort in knowing how much people loved him and have gotten to know him even more through the stories that all his friends and family have shared. I am grateful for the privilege to have known him, shared moments with him and to have had the chance to call him my friend. Mylah

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Julie

My other most precious child is having her birthday today. Jim would have sent her an inappropriate card and she would have loved it and shared it with me. We would have chuckled at his 'bent humor'. He would have been delighted to have found the perfect card. Jim is now our guardian angel and I know he wishes Julie a great day. Keep looking out for us, Jim ....we both need you.

Happy Birthday, Julie
with much LOVE,
Mom and Jim