Thursday, April 5, 2012

4 years - not so long ago

It seems like yesterday that Jim was alive and well, calling his friends and making plans for his future. Four years ago he was active, engaged in life and having a good time. Four years have slid by and I still can't comprehend that he's not here on this earth; that I will never hear his his laugh, and be the recipient of one of his great big bear hugs. Oh, how I long to hear those precious words spoken in his deep voice, "I love you Mom!"

I feel blessed that I had Jim for 27 good and wonderful years. He's left a legacy to some sweet and beautiful children - my grandchildren. I feel good that they know exactly who Jim is - their Uncle Jim, momma's brother, Grandma's son. Right now they love him because they only know love; but, the day will come when they will love him because of the kind of person he was and the joy he brought to all that knew him. Jim wasn't a saint but he was a good and sweet young man. My grandchildren can rejoice in the knowledge that the world is a better place because Jim once was in it.

I miss you Jim.

Jim's MOM