Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11, 1981 - January 11, 2010

Jim's birthday is today. Jim would have enjoyed hearing that it was snowing in Michigan but where he was at (most likely Las Vegas), it was not.

As any mother would say, he was the best and cutest baby....well, he actually was. He was adored by Julie and a bright and shining star to his father and me.

Last year at this time Julie and I were in Las Vegas scattering the ashes of that young man born 29 years ago at 6:53 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan. So hard to believe. This year with the snow falling around me (much to Jim's joy), I plan to visit the cemetary where I will find his name engraved on the stone that also bears the name of my father who died at age 40.

Two precious men, gone too soon. Jim, I sure do miss you, today and always.

Love, Jim's MOM