Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas without Jim
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thankful I am
Joanne (Jim's MOM)
Thanksgiving 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Precious Moments By The Sea
Precious Moments By The Sea
by: Joanne (Jim's MOM)
The sun sparkles on ocean waves
Clear, bright and aqua blue
They walk along the lapping shore
Toes covered in a sandy glue
I watch as they walk on
Listen as the stories unfold
Laughter bounces on balmy breeze
They are precious to behold
This memory finds me often
The perfectness of us three
Sealed in my heart forever
Precious moments by the sea
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Message from a friend
When Jim was about 10years old (maybe younger, I can't remember), he learned to ski at his babysitter's place at Higgins Lake. He was a natural. I suspect that Jim was skiing right along side of Brooke last weekend.
Brooke is the granddaughter of Jim's sitter, Suzie and daughter of Bruce (Suzie's son) Jim loved Suzie and Dick and their kids: Bruce, Janice and Darlene....and he especially loved going up to Suzie and Dick's cottage at the end of summer every year. I have only happy memories from those days. If I could go back in time, that is exactly where I'd go.
Here's the email I received from Janice today:
Maybe you've already heard but Brooke just learned how to water-ski and it all happened on Jim's ski's you gave Bruce. It was so cool. It only took a few days and now she looks like a pro. Bruce was so proud of her. We were out on the pontoon at Higgins Lake and Bruce and Brooke were celebrating when Bruce said "You remember whose ski's these are?" Brooke said "Jimmie's!" She yelled out, "Jimmie would be so proud!" "Thanks Jimmie!"
It was such a cool moment. It could of only been better if you were there to see and hear! It was an ultimate moment!
Knew you would want to know!
Love ya,
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Neverending Summer
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Butterflies in Jim's Garden
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Blue skies
Jim's MOM
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Guardian Angel
Jim was not named after anyone. Jim's father said, "If it's a boy, we'll name him Hank!" I hope I'm not offending any Hanks out there, but I quickly said, "NO!" Then one day we were standing in what would later becomes Jim's room and his dad said, "I like the name Jim". So Jim it was! We knew that we needed to give Jim the proper name of James, but from the beginning he was: Jimmy, Jimbo, JimBob, and by late elementary school, he was pretty much just Jim. Among his friends in high school he was Jim and JimmyB.
Jim loved his name. He liked to write it out using his finger in the sand, the snow, the dewy wet car window and in the 'not quite set cement'....especially if he were told not to!
So it gives me joy when others want to remember and honor Jim by using his name in some way. Parker James and William James, Jim Bowerman is your guardian angel....
With love and remembrance today and always,
Joanne (Jim's MOM)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A New Spring
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Mother's Day
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
2 years
Jim is missed every moment of every day. I get sad easily and I cry often. I pray for understanding and probably will never really understand. I struggle with that. I pray for answers and slowly...very slowly 'tidbits' (as I call them), are delivered.
I dreamt of Jim again last night. I was in a room that resembled a hotel lobby. I thought I saw him at the desk and ran to see him...the man turned, it was not Jim. I walked outside, still searching, and there he was. He was sitting in a chair and we both burst into to tears. We sobbed and held each other. I then woke up. I felt as if we had cried over his death. I don't know the meaning of the dream, but I know how much I love that young man and how much I miss him.
Please pray for answers to Jim's murder. It's been two years, it's time to know.
Love, Joanne (Jim's MOM)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Jim in my dreams
Joanne (Jim's MOM)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thinking of Jim
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Mojo in the morning
We love you Jim.
Love, Joanne (Jim's MOM)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
January 11, 1981 - January 11, 2010

As any mother would say, he was the best and cutest baby....well, he actually was. He was adored by Julie and a bright and shining star to his father and me.
Last year at this time Julie and I were in Las Vegas scattering the ashes of that young man born 29 years ago at 6:53 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan. So hard to believe. This year with the snow falling around me (much to Jim's joy), I plan to visit the cemetary where I will find his name engraved on the stone that also bears the name of my father who died at age 40.
Two precious men, gone too soon. Jim, I sure do miss you, today and always.
Love, Jim's MOM
Monday, January 4, 2010
Jim's Uncle Tim

As always, Jim is missed today and even more then yesterday. Love, Joanne (Jim's MOM)