Jim's Uncle Tim is my brother and also a truck driver. He had someone design a 'traveling billboard' for his truck. The picture is shown here. You may be driving down the road one day and see Jim's photo. It is a horrible thing to have to display, but since the murderer has not been found, it is necessary. Tim lives in Tennessee and travels many of the surrounding states, including Florida.
As always, Jim is missed today and even more then yesterday. Love, Joanne (Jim's MOM)
As always, Jim is missed today and even more then yesterday. Love, Joanne (Jim's MOM)

Wow that is too nice! Two friends of mine are truckers too so maybe this will help just a little. Joanne...I saw a little news blurb on a lady that has since passed away. Her name was Jane Alexander-not the actress. This lady worked tirelessly until she became ill. Her and a lady named Jan Miller started an organization-CITIZEN'S AGAINST HOMICIDE. They try to solve UNsolved murders. I immediately thought of our Jim. I went to their site today and they have contact information if you want to check it out. You never know, they might just be able to help! I occasionally look for groups that try to help with this stuff and after watching the thing on TV, thought it would be a great idea for another contact for you. They might also have good information to help with authorities etc. In the TV show, Jane had said that she called detectives EVERY DAY and definitley made herself known-that she was NOT giving up no matter how old she was. Come to find out it ws her ex that murdered her beloved aunt....hope this helps! LOVE you guys and hug Julie and the kids for me!